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In 2008, Stephen and Michelle joined forces and merged their two businesses, Mortgage Minders and Moneytree Brokers, to create a full advice branded solution. They registered  TAG The Advice Group as an incorporated company in 2011. This year TAG turns 10.


Financial Adviser (BCom)
Mortgage Specialist

Stephen is our ‘go to’ numbers guy and is great at providing suitable mortgage solutions to our clients’ different requests. His philosophy is to deliver a quick and efficient service to our clients in a way that involves them but makes it as simple as possible. He can remember almost everything and has a great relationship with many of our clients, some from last month and some for over 20 years now. Golf is his escape when he is not being “Dad”, but he has way more success with helping clients than golf.

View compliance documents: Here


Financial Adviser (Level 5 Cert - Financial Services)
Mortgage & Risk Insurance Specialist

Michelle is the master of both Mortgages and Insurance (and the office).

With over 20 years of experience, Michelle saw the need for both her Moneytree clients and Stephen’s Mortgage Minders clients to have a full advice solution that worked off the back of them being the trusted advisers to both companies.

(TAG) The Advice Group, thanks to Michelle, now provides that to all of our clients.  It just made sense and has been a massive success with many happy clients who now have their mortgage and insurance solutions inline and under one roof.

The gym, family and girlfriends are just a few of the things that fill in her time outside of TAG

View compliance documents: Here


Business Manager

Leanne (aka Lenny) has a wealth of experience in the mortgage and banking industries, with over 15 years working with HSBC, BNZ and, for the better part, looking after clients of TAG (formerly Mortgage Minders & Moneytree).

Our clients love Leanne’s friendly nature and ability to work with them from the beginning of the process to the end, making sure that they feel fully supported, updated, and get the best advice possible.

Leanne has two beautiful children, is an amazing cook and loves a good glass of wine.


Office Manager

Paulette is our person who knows where everything is and how it all works.

She has been part of the team for over 15 years now and knows a lot more than she lets on!!

Local, loyal and a major part of the team, she does a lot to make sure we all have some fun while getting the job done.

Family, friends and “her boys” easily fill in the time outside of her part-time “TAG Team” role.


If you visit us at the office you will be greeted by our senior receptionist and extremely friendly mascot Alfie, he’s an 8 year old soft coated wheaten terrier, loves people and long walks on the beach, he gets a bit vocal when other dogs go past the office, but apart from that he’s quite content to sleep the day away waiting for new visitors to come in and give him a whole lot of attention

Trusted professionals


Trusted Professional
Financial Advisor/Insurance Specialist

Phil owns and operates his own independent insurance advice business “Phil Robinson Insurance”.

Phil has extensive experience in the insurance industry and a passion for helping self-employed clients protect their business – small to medium businesses often rely on a handful of key team members to bring in revenue and keep the business running, business insurance gives you the peace of mind knowing your business is financially protected in these types of situations.  Phil will help you select the right balance of business-specific insurance to ensure you have the best suited cover. 

If this is something that you would like further advice on, please get in touch with one of the team at TAG today and we can refer you on to Phil.

Want to learn more about what we can do for you?

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